About BoldRx

How BoldRx works

Telemedicine allows patients and physicians to communicate directly, via the use of encrypted secure digital images and medical information. Patient images and medical histories are transmitted to our Board-Certified Internal Medicine physicians. After thoroughly reviewing this medical information, our physicians are able to create a personalized treatment plan. Patients are able to communicate with their physician at BoldRx at any time, as our messaging center within the patient platform allows for easy and direct communication with our physicians.

How BoldRx works

Frequently Asked Questions

How does BoldRx work?

BoldRx is a telemedicine platform. Your physician will carefully review your medical profile that you upload to our HIPAA protected website. You are able to directly communicate with your Board-Certified Internal Medicine physicians at any time, and messaging is free and unlimited on the BoldRx platform. After our physicians write a prescription, a Board-Certified pharmacist will ship the prescription medication directly to your residence.

What is a telemedicine consultation?

After completing your medical profile and uploading a photograph, our Board-Certified Internal Medicine physicians will review your consultation within 24 hours. Depending on the state you live in a telephone or video consultation may be required. You will receive an email that your physician when they have completed your consultation and you can login to your patient portal and view your consultation history. This includes detailed instructions from your physician about your prescription.  After our physicians complete your consultation, a Board-Certified pharmacist will ship your prescription directly to your residence. The entire process – from submitting a consultation to receiving your prescription (shipped right to your door) takes only 3-5 business days.

What is included in my consultation?

Detailed instructions from your physician - that are tailored just for you. These instructions and are designed to give you optimal results and to avoid potential side effects from medications. Your consultation also includes unlimited free messaging with your internist – which you can access 24/7 through our HIPAA protected website. Our patients tell us all the time that our physicians are very responsive, and provide thorough answers that go above and beyond what they expected.

I completed my consultation and received my prescription, and then I thought of a few questions?

BoldRx includes free unlimited messaging with our physicians through our HIPAA secure patient portal. Our patients tell us all the time that our physicians are very responsive, and provide thorough answers that go above and beyond what they expected.

How many prescription refills will I receive with a consultation?

Our physicians may slightly differ in how many refills they prescribe. However, a good rule of thumb is that you will receive refills that last 6-12 months.

What happens after all my refills expire?

That’s simple! Just login to your secure patient portal, and submit another free consultation for your Board-Certified physician to review. An initial consultation at BoldRx takes less than 10 minutes to complete and a follow-up consultation is equally as efficient.

Who performs the consultations at BoldRx?

This is an incredibly important question to ask. All consultations at BoldRx are performed by Board-Certified Internal Medicine physicians, who are fully licensed in your state. Our physicians have extensive experience in both academic and private practice.

Are my prescription medications authentic?

Absolutely - our shipments come directly from the pharmaceutical companies or their preferred supplier. This ensures that the prescription medication is not only authentic, but also that it is shipped to you very shortly after production.

How can I complete a follow-up consultation?

Since you already have an account, you can login to your patient portal and under consultations, you can select ‘Begin Follow-up Consultation.’ You can update your medical history, and provide feedback about your previous treatment, as well as upload new photographs.

What device should I use to take photographs?

Most of our patients use their smartphone or webcam to take photographs (we do have some patients who use a camera as well).

Does BoldRx take insurance?

No – BoldRx does not take insurance.

How are the prices for BoldRx prescriptions less than my local pharmacy?

That’s pretty simple. Given that we buy more prescription medications than our competitors – we are able to negotiate lower rates with the pharmaceutical companies or their preferred suppliers. We pass this savings on directly to you.